Getting Started

The Flea Admin is the primary tool for you to work with your online store. Here you can manage users, categories, reports, boosted listings and do much more.

Welcome to the Flea Admin!

Here we will cover how to start using the Flea Admin platform.

Register or Login

When first entering your Flea Admin Account, you will land on the Dashboard page.

The top bar

On the right of the bar, three icons are shown.

The first icon is to change the language of the Flea Admin. Language can be changed just by clicking the down-arrow and selecting the languages that Flea Admin supports, such as English, Czech, and Albania.

The middle icon is the notification icon.

The last icon is the profile information icon, which on click displays the username and the sign-out functionality.

On the left, there is the Flea Admin’s sidebar where you can access different sections such as Listing catalog, Users, Reports, Configuration, Boosted Listings, Analytics and Settings.

Fig. 3 Flea Admin's sidebar

To further assist admin users in using Flea Admin and all of its available features in detail, please read the whole user guide.